My Pen,it’s magic

My Pen it’s magic.

Though it is very thin,

But the whole world is

Fan of it’s magic.

That’s why people called

It Magic Pen.

My Pen it’s magic

It is sharp pointed that one can easily write it,in flow.

That why it is truly said My Pen it’s Magic.

My Pen it’s Magic

It’s ink spread different colour around the world.

Black ink is generally used by students.

Red ink is sign of ‘result’.It is generally used by teachers.

After this it comes Green ink,from green colour one can recognize that it’s a sign of high-quality people.

Nowadays we see every colour ink comes,some use it for their assignment,some use it in fun.That’s why everyone says My Pen,it’s Magic.

My Pen,it’s Magic

Pen is that thing,wherever we go it is wid us.That’s why people called it My Pen,it’s Magic.